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[[Buildroot for RK3399|English]]
{{RK3399 Buildroot Intro/zh}}
访问[http://download.friendlyarm.com/nanopct4 此处的下载地址]下载:<br />
{| class="wikitable"
  | colspan=2 | Image Files
  | rk3399-sd-buildroot-linux-4.19-arm64-YYYYMMDD.img.zip
  | 从SD卡启动的固件
  | rk3399-eflasher-buildroot-YYYYMMDD.img.zip
  | 用于烧写到eMMC运行
解压后用 dd 或者 win32image 烧写到 SD 卡。
用户名: root<br />
密码: rockchip<br />
<br />
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
===安装 repo 工具===
首先需要安装 repo 工具:
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
git clone https://github.com/friendlyarm/repo -b rk-linux-sdk --depth 1
cp repo/repo /usr/bin/
网盘下载地址: [http://download.friendlyarm.com/{{#replace:{{#replace:{{BASEPAGENAME}}| |}}|/zh|}} 点击进入]<br />
文件位于网盘的以下路径:sources/buildroot-rk3399-YYYYMMDD.tar (YYYYMMDD表示打包的日期)<br />
从网盘中获取的 repo 压缩包在解压之后,需要执行一下以下命令做一次解包动作:
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
tar xvf /path/to/netdisk/sources/buildroot-rk3399-YYYYMMDD.tar
cd buildroot-rk3399
repo sync -l
用此方法得到的源代码版本是repo打包时的版本,如果想拉取到官方最新的版本,可以去掉 -l 参数,执行一次 repo sync, 例如:
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
cd buildroot-rk3399
repo sync --no-clone-bundle
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
mkdir buildroot-rk3399
cd buildroot-rk3399
repo init -u https://github.com/friendlyarm/buildroot_manifests -b rockchip-kernel4.19 -m rk3399.xml --repo-url=https://github.com/rockchip-linux/repo --no-clone-bundle
repo sync -c --no-clone-bundle
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
cd buildroot-rk3399
repo sync -c --no-clone-bundle
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
#! /bin/bash
repo sync -c --no-clone-bundle
while [ $? -ne 0 ];
    repo sync -c --no-clone-bundle
在PC的Ubuntu系统下 (建议使用版本18.04-64bit),执下以下命令安装所需的软件:
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/friendlyarm/build-env-on-ubuntu-bionic/master/install.sh | bash
请使用此链接提供的Docker映象, 具体方法可阅读此链接中的README:<br />
https://github.com/friendlyarm/friendlyelec-ubuntu18-docker<br />
不带参数执行 build.sh,默认是打印帮助信息:
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
显示的帮助信息如下 (以RK3399平台为例):
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
USAGE: ./build.sh <parameter>
# 选择目标的硬件平台:
  ./build.sh nanopc_t4.mk
  ./build.sh nanopi_m4.mk
  ./build.sh nanopi_neo4.mk
  ./build.sh nanopi_r4s.mk
  ./build.sh som-rk3399.mk
# 编译各个模块:
  ./build.sh all                -编译所有组件
  ./build.sh uboot              -单独编译uboot
  ./build.sh kernel            -单独编译kernel
  ./build.sh buildroot          -单独编译buildroot
  ./build.sh sd-img            -生成sd启动的镜像文件
  ./build.sh emmc-img          -生成用于安装到emmc的镜像文件 (镜像文件需要dd到sd卡,通过sd卡启动安装程序)
# 清理:
  ./build.sh cleanall
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
./build.sh nanopc_r4s.mk
执行上述命令,会自动编译所有组件,其中包括u-boot, kernel 和 buildroot,并生成sd启动的烧写镜像文件。
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
./build.sh kernel
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
./build.sh uboot
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
./build.sh buildroot
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
sudo ./build.sh sd-img
打包img成功后,终端会显示如下信息,可以参考下面的dd命令将img写入sd卡,注意/dev/sdX需要替换成真实的sd卡设备:<br />
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
Run the following for sdcard install:
    sudo dd if=out/Buildroot_20211213_NanoPi-R4S_arm64_sd.img bs=1M of=/dev/sdX
===生成emmc (eflasher) 固件===
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
sudo ./build.sh emmc-img
打包img成功后,终端会显示如下信息,可以参考下面的dd命令将img写入sd卡,注意/dev/sdX需要替换成真实的sd卡设备:<br />
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
Run the following for sdcard install:
    sudo dd if=out/Buildroot_20211213_NanoPi-R4S_arm64_eflasher.img bs=1M of=/dev/sdX
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
├── buildroot-xxyyzz
│  ├── buildroot -> buildroot源代码
|  └── toolchain -> 交叉编译器,仅用于编译u-boot与kernel
│  ├── build.sh -> 编译脚本
│  ├── device/friendlyelec -> 用于适配友善电子开发板的相关文件
│  ├── kernel -> 内核
│  └── u-boot -> u-boot
│  └── app -> rockchip的app
│  └── external -> rockchip的buildroot软件包
│  └── rkbin -> rockchip的引导程序
│  └── scripts -> 打包img的相关脚本
* 列出当前可用的配置
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
cd buildroot
make list-defconfigs
适合FriendlyELEC RK3399的配置所下:<br />
friendlyelec_rk3399_defconfig          - Build for friendlyelec_rk3399<br />
* 使用menuconfig更改配置
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
make friendlyelec_rk3399_defconfig
make menuconfig
make savedefconfig
diff .defconfig configs/friendlyelec_rk3399_defconfig
cp .defconfig configs/friendlyelec_rk3399_defconfig
* 重新编译
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
cd ../
./build.sh buildroot
将文件放在 device/friendlyelec/rk3399/common-files,然后重新打包img:
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
sudo ./build.sh sd-img
sudo ./build.sh emmc-img
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
export PATH=$PWD/buildroot/output/rockchip_rk3399/host/bin/:$PATH
aarch64-buildroot-linux-gnu-g++ -v
显示版本如下:<br />
gcc 版本 6.4.0 (Buildroot 2018.02-rc3-g4f000a0797)
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
git clone https://github.com/friendlyarm/QtE-Demo.git
cd QtE-Demo
../buildroot/output/rockchip_rk3399/host/bin/qmake QtE-Demo.pro
要实现开机自动运行你的Qt程序,可将QtE-Demo拷贝到开发板上,然后修改 /etc/init.d/下的S50launcher,将/usr/local/QLauncher/QLauncher &这一行改为QtE-Demo的文件路径即可。
===如何获取用于USB Type-C烧写的文件?===
执行 build.sh emmc-img 之后,在 scripts/sd-fuse 下面会有一个 buildroot 目录,使用android_tools工具加载这个目录下的文件即可。
欢迎发邮件到:techsupport@friendlyarm.com<br />
* 简化构建脚本, 并将buildroot更新至原厂新版本

Latest revision as of 09:23, 4 June 2024

1 Unbricking Method

If the ROM is not installed correctly, causing the development board to become bricked, and you might not have the opportunity to reinstall the ROM via an SD card, you need to enter Maskrom mode to unbrick it by erasing the storage device.

1.1 Windows Users

1.1.1 Download Required Files

  • Get the necessary tools: Visit here, find RKDevTool_v3.19_for_window.zip and DriverAssitant_v5.12.zip in the 05_Tools directory, and download them to your local machine.
  • Install Rockchip USB driver and RKDevTool: Extract DriverAssitant_v5.12.zip to install the Rockchip USB driver, and extract RKDevTool_v3.19_for_window.zip to obtain the Rockchip flashing tool RKDevTool.
  • Get the loader: Visit here, enter the tools directory corresponding to your CPU model, and download MiniLoaderAll.bin.

1.1.2 Enter Maskrom Mode to Erase the Storage Device

  • Connect NanoPC-T4 to your computer using a USB data cable.
  • Start RKDevTool on your computer.
  • Disconnect the power from NanoPC-T4, hold down the MASK button, connect the power, and release the button when you see Found One MASKROM Device displayed at the bottom of the interface, as shown below:

Rkdevtool found one maskrom device.png

  • Click the Advanced Function tab in the RKDevTool interface.
  • In the Boot text box, select MiniLoaderAll.bin, then click the Download button.
  • Select EMMC, click Switch Storage, then click the EraseAll button to erase the eMMC.

Rkdevtool erase emmc.png

  • At this point, NanoPC-T4 is restored to its initial state and can be normally booted via SD card or eMMC.

1.2 Linux/Mac Users

1.2.1 Download the Required Files

  • Get the necessary tools: Visit here and find upgrade_tool_v2.30_for_linux.tgz (or for Mac users, select upgrade_tool_v2.25_for_mac.tgz) in the 05_Tools directory and download it locally.
  • Get the loader: Visit here, enter the tools directory corresponding to your CPU model, and download MiniLoaderAll.bin.

1.2.2 Installation for upgrade_tool

The following commands are for Linux, with only slight differences in file and directory names for Mac users:

tar xzf upgrade_tool_v2.30_for_linux.tgz
cd upgrade_tool_v2.30_for_linux
sudo cp upgrade_tool /usr/local/sbin/
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/sbin/upgrade_tool

1.2.3 Enter Maskrom Mode to Erase the Storage Device

  • Connect NanoPC-T4 to the computer using a USB data cable.
  • Disconnect the power from NanoPC-T4, hold down the MASK button, connect the power, and release the button after 4 seconds.
  • Check the connection with the following command:
upgrade_tool LD

A result similar to "DevNo=1 Vid=0x2207,Pid=0x350b,LocationID=13 Mode=Maskrom SerialNo=" indicates that the device has been detected.

  • Erase the eMMC with the following command:
upgrade_tool EF MiniLoaderAll.bin
  • At this point, NanoPC-T4 has been restored to its initial state and can boot the system normally via SD card or eMMC.