WiringPi-Python for RK3399
[hide]1 Introduction to WiringPi for Python
The wiringPi for Python utility is an implementation of wiringPi in Python. It can be used in Python programs to access hardware such as GPIO/I2C/SPI/UART/PWM etc. It is a popular and powerful utility.
FriendlyELEC has ported the wiringPi for Python utility for all existing FriendlyELEC-RK3399 based boards: NanoPi M4, NanoPi NEO4 and NanoPC-T4.
Current version: 2.44
WiringPi's home page: http://wiringpi.com
There is a C version too and here is the reference link: WiringPi for RK3399
2 Supported OS
- FriendlyCore
- FriendlyDesktop
3 Supported Boards
- NanoPC T4
- NanoPi M4/M4v2/M4B
- NanoPi NEO4
4 Install WiringPi for Python on T4/M4/NEO4
Log in a board(T4/M4/NEO4) via SSH and run the following commands:
4.1 Install WiringPi in Python3
apt install git python-dev python-setuptools python3-dev python3-setuptools swig wget https://pypi.io/packages/source/s/setuptools/setuptools-33.1.1.zip unzip setuptools-33.1.1.zip cd setuptools-33.1.1 python3 setup.py install wget easy_install wiringpi-2.44.4-py3.6-linux-aarch64.egg
4.2 Install WiringPi in Python2
wget https://pypi.io/packages/source/s/setuptools/setuptools-33.1.1.zip unzip setuptools-33.1.1.zip cd setuptools-33.1.1 python2 setup.py install wget easy_install-2.7 wiringpi-2.44.4-py2.7-linux-aarch64.egg
5 Code Samples Using wiringPi for Python
Connect a Matrix - LED module to your board and make sure the hardware setting is as follows:
Matrix-LED | T4/M4/NEO4 |
S | Pin7 |
V | Pin4 |
G | Pin6 |
Here is a code sample showing how to make an LED blink using wiringPi,
In the code sample '7' stands for 'Pin7':
5.1 Code Sample in Python
Create a source file in Python:
vi led.py
Type the following lines:
import wiringpi as wpi import time wpi.wiringPiSetup() wpi.pinMode(7, 1) while True: wpi.digitalWrite(7, 1) time.sleep(1) wpi.digitalWrite(7, 0) time.sleep(1)
python3 led.py
If everything is correct you will observe that the LED blinks. Note: if you use Python2 instead of Python3 make changes in the above commands accordingly.
5.2 Code Sample in C
Here is the reference link: WiringPi for RK3399/zh
6 Update Log
6.1 November-14-2018
- Released English Version