Template:ROM-Maker-lite mk-fsimg

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Actually the rom-maker-lite utility calls the "./tools/mk_fsimg.sh" script to generate a boot.img and rootfs.img. Here are the popular parameters the "mk_fsimg.sh" script usually takes:

Parameter Comment

Specifies a partition format. It currently supports vfat/ext4/exfat

Parameter 2

Specifies an output file;

Parameter 3

Specifies an input directory;

Parameter 4

Specifies an output file's size and the unit is MByte. This size should be greater than the input directory's size and less than the corresponding size specified(in "length") in the partmap.txt file;
Since some file system information needs to be included in an image file this size will be greater than the input directory's size;

Parameter 5

Specifies a partition's tag;