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1 Make Your Own OS Image

1.1 Setup Development Environment

In order to compile an Android image we suggest you do it on a 64 bit Ubuntu 16.04 system and install the following packages:

sudo apt-get install bison g++-multilib git gperf libxml2-utils make python-networkx zip
sudo apt-get install flex curl libncurses5-dev libssl-dev zlib1g-dev gawk minicom
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
sudo apt-get install exfat-fuse exfat-utils device-tree-compiler liblz4-tool

For more details refer to https://source.android.com/source/initializing.html;
Or you can do it in Docker: friendlyelec-android-docker

1.2 Install Cross Compiler

1.2.1 Install aarch64-linux-gcc 6.4

This compiler can be used to compile a Linux kernel and u-boot. You can do it by running the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/friendlyarm/prebuilts.git
sudo mkdir -p /opt/FriendlyARM/toolchain
sudo tar xf prebuilts/gcc-x64/aarch64-cortexa53-linux-gnu-6.4.tar.xz -C /opt/FriendlyARM/toolchain/

Add the compiler's directory to the PATH variable by appending the following lines to the ~/.bashrc file:

export PATH=/opt/FriendlyARM/toolchain/6.4-aarch64/bin:$PATH
export GCC_COLORS=auto

Run the ~/.bashrc script to make it effective in the current commandline. Note: there is a space after ".":

. ~/.bashrc

This is a 64 bit compiler and cannot work on a 32 bit Linux system. You can test if your compiler is installed correctly by running the following commands:

aarch64-linux-gcc -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: aarch64-cortexa53-linux-gnu
Configured with: /work/toolchain/build/aarch64-cortexa53-linux-gnu/build/src/gcc/configure --build=x86_64-build_pc-linux-gnu
--host=x86_64-build_pc-linux-gnu --target=aarch64-cortexa53-linux-gnu --prefix=/opt/FriendlyARM/toolchain/6.4-aarch64
--with-sysroot=/opt/FriendlyARM/toolchain/6.4-aarch64/aarch64-cortexa53-linux-gnu/sysroot --enable-languages=c,c++
--enable-fix-cortex-a53-835769 --enable-fix-cortex-a53-843419 --with-cpu=cortex-a53
Thread model: posix
gcc version 6.4.0 (ctng-1.23.0-150g-FA)

1.3 Compile Android8.1 Source Code

1.3.1 Download Android8.1 Source Code

{{{1}}} source code is maintained in gitlab, You can download it by running the following command:

git clone https://gitlab.com/friendlyelec/rk3399-android-8.1 --depth 1 -b master

1.3.2 Generate Image File

You can compile an Android7 source code and generate an image file:

cd rk3399-android-8.1
./build-nanopc-t4.sh -F -M

1.3.3 Update System with New Image

After compilation is done a new image file will be generated in the "rockdev/Image-nanopc_t4/" directory under Android 8.1's source code directory. You can follow the steps below to update {{{1}}}:
1) 将 EFlasher 启动SD卡 通过读卡器插入电脑,电脑上的Ubuntu系统会自动挂载 SD卡的分区;
2) 我们需要将 rockdev/Image-nanopc_t4/ 子目录下的所有文件,拷贝并覆盖到 SD卡 FRIENDLYARM 分区里的 android8 目录;
3) 将SD卡插入{{{1}}},重新烧写Andorid系统即可;

1.4 编译Android7源代码

1.4.1 下载Android7源代码

{{{1}}} 源代码托管在 gitlab 上,使用以下命令进行下载:

git clone https://gitlab.com/friendlyelec/rk3399-nougat --depth 1 -b nanopc-t4-nougat

1.4.2 编译并生成Image文件

使用以下命令编译 Android7:

cd rk3399-nougat
./build-nanopc-t4.sh -F -M

1.4.3 更新系统为自已编译的Image

编译完成后,image文件会存放在Android7源代码目录的 rockdev/Image-nanopc_t4/ 子目录下,参考以下步骤更新到 {{{1}}}上:
1) 将 EFlasher 启动SD卡 通过读卡器插入电脑,电脑上的Ubuntu系统会自动挂载 SD卡的分区;
2) 我们需要将 rockdev/Image-nanopc_t4/ 子目录下的所有文件,拷贝并覆盖到 SD卡 FRIENDLYARM 分区里的 nougat 目录;
3) 将SD卡插入{{{1}}},重新烧写Andorid系统即可;

1.5 编译 FriendlyCore/FriendlyDesktop/Lubuntu 内核源代码

git clone https://github.com/friendlyarm/kernel-rockchip --depth 1 -b nanopi4-linux-v4.4.y kernel-rockchip
cd kernel-rockchip
make ARCH=arm64 nanopi4_linux_defconfig
export PATH=/opt/FriendlyARM/toolchain/6.4-aarch64/bin/:$PATH
make ARCH=arm64 nanopi4-images

编译完成后会生成 kernel.img resource.img 这两个文件,将其拷贝到eflasher系统的SD卡覆盖旧文件即可, 假设SD卡的FRIENDLYARM分区挂载到FRIENDLYARM目录,更新命令如下:

# for Lubuntu
cp kernel.img resource.img /media/FRIENDLYARM/lubuntu/
# for FriendlyCore
cp kernel.img resource.img /media/FRIENDLYARM/friendlycore-arm64/
# for FriendlyDesktop
cp kernel.img resource.img /media/FRIENDLYARM/friendlydesktop-arm64/


1.6 编译 FriendlyCore/FriendlyDesktop/Lubuntu U-boot源代码

git clone https://gitlab.com/friendlyelec/rk3399-nougat --depth 1 -b nanopc-t4-nougat
cd rk3399-nougat/u-boot
make CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux- rk3399_defconfig
export PATH=/opt/FriendlyARM/toolchain/6.4-aarch64/bin/:$PATH
make CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-

编译完成后会生成 uboot.img、trust.img 和 rk3399_loader_v1.12.109.bin这3个文件,其中rk3399_loader_v1.12.109.bin需要重命名为MiniLoaderAll.bin,将其拷贝到eflasher系统的SD卡覆盖旧文件即可,假设SD卡的FRIENDLYARM分区挂载到FRIENDLYARM目录,更新命令如下:

# for Lubuntu
cp uboot.img trust.img /media/FRIENDLYARM/lubuntu
cp rk3399_loader_v1.12.109.bin /media/FRIENDLYARM/lubuntu/MiniLoaderAll.bin
# for FriendlyCore
cp uboot.img trust.img /media/FRIENDLYARM/friendlycore-arm64
cp rk3399_loader_v1.12.109.bin /media/FRIENDLYARM/friendlycore-arm64/MiniLoaderAll.bin
# for FriendlyDesktop
cp uboot.img trust.img /media/FRIENDLYARM/friendlydesktop-arm64
cp rk3399_loader_v1.12.109.bin /media/FRIENDLYARM/friendlydesktop-arm64/MiniLoaderAll.bin


1.7 制作用于量产的启动卡或者烧写文件
