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*The NanoHat OLED for NanoPi NEO2 Black module is a monochrome OLED module designed and developed for the NanoPi NEO2 Black. It is 0.96" and the resolution is 128 x 64. It has high contrast and low power-consumption. It can display characters and images. It communicates with a NanoPi NEO2 Black with I2C.
*The NanoHat OLED for NanoPi NEO2 Black module is a monochrome OLED module designed and developed for the NanoPi NEO2 Black. It is 0.96" and the resolution is 128 x 64. It has high contrast and low power-consumption. It can display characters and images. It communicates with a NanoPi NEO2 Black with I2C.
*NanoHat OLED for NanoPi NEO2 Black和NanoPi NEO2 Black的外形尺寸和接口完全相同,可直接堆叠在NanoPi NEO2 Black上使用。
*The size of the NanoHat OLED for NanoPi NEO2 Black is the same as the size of the NanoPi NEO2 Black. The OLED module can be stacked onto a NanoPi NEO2 Black.
*The module has three programmable keys.
*板载了3.5mm音频接口插座和USB Type A接口。
*The module has a 3.5mm audio jack and a USB Type A port.

Revision as of 08:13, 7 January 2020


1 Introduction

NanoHat OLED for NanoPi NEO2 Black
  • The NanoHat OLED for NanoPi NEO2 Black module is a monochrome OLED module designed and developed for the NanoPi NEO2 Black. It is 0.96" and the resolution is 128 x 64. It has high contrast and low power-consumption. It can display characters and images. It communicates with a NanoPi NEO2 Black with I2C.
  • The size of the NanoHat OLED for NanoPi NEO2 Black is the same as the size of the NanoPi NEO2 Black. The OLED module can be stacked onto a NanoPi NEO2 Black.
  • The module has three programmable keys.
  • The module has a 3.5mm audio jack and a USB Type A port.

2 特性

  • 屏幕尺寸:0.96英寸
  • 分辨率:128x64
  • 高对比度,低功耗
  • 板载3个按键
  • PCB尺寸(mm):40x40

NanoHat OLED for NanoPi NEO2 Black PCB

Pin# Name Linux gpio Pin# Name Linux gpio
1 GPIOA0 0 2 5V in or out -
3 I2C_SDA0 - 4 5V in or out -
5 I2C_SCL0 - 6 GND -
7 GPIOA2 2 8 UART1_TX -
9 GND - 10 UART1_RX -
  • GPIO2(USB/Audio OUT)
Pin# Name Linux gpio Pin# Name Linux gpio
1 Line out Right - 2 USB DM -
3 Line out Left - 4 USB DP -
5 Audio GND - 6 GPIOA3 3

3 支持该配件的开发板型号和软件版本

序号 CPU型号 开发板型号 软件版本
1 H5 NanoPi NEO2 Black 开源社区Linux-4.x主线内核

4 硬件连接

NanoHat OLED for NanoPi NEO2 Black模块和NanoPi NEO2 Black尺寸和接口完全相同,可直接堆叠使用。 参考下图连接模块:

5 使用默认使能NanoHat OLED for NanoPi NEO2 Black的ROM

Board Type CPU Model Download Link to Image File Image File
NanoPi NEO2 Black H5 Download official-ROMs/accessory-ROMs/nanopi-neo2-black_ubuntu-oled_4.x.y_YYYYMMDD.img.zip

6 手动使能NanoHat OLED for NanoPi NEO2 Black

NanoHat OLED for NanoPi NEO2 Black的演示程序包含在 NanoHatOLED 软件仓库里,启动系统,执行以下命令进行安装:

git clone https://github.com/friendlyarm/NanoHatOLED.git
cd NanoHatOLED
sudo -H ./install.sh


chmod 755 aptsouce.sh
sudo -H ./aptsouce.sh
sudo apt-get update

操作完成后,再执行NanoHatOLED的 ./install.sh 安装脚本安装即可。

7 演示程序的操作说明

演示程序在安装后会在开机时自动运行,并默认显示 日期与时间 画面。
NanoHat OLED配件上的三个按键功能如下:
K1 -> 显示日期时间;
K2 -> 显示开发板的运行状态,例如 IP地址, 负载, 存储状态,CPU温度等信息;
K3 -> 关机操作,并不会立即关机,而是先弹出询问画面,在询问画面的状态下,用 K1 切换 Yes和No选项,K2进行确认;

8 相关资料