Matrix - LCD2USB

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Revision as of 16:13, 4 July 2016 by Yftan (Talk | contribs) (Application of lcd4linux under Ubuntu)

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1 Introduction

  • The Matrix-LCD2USB module is a simple and easy to use LCD module. It converts a parallel port to a USB port.
  • It works with LCD4LINUX, LCD Smartie and LCDProc. There are plenty of open source code samples available on the internet.
  • It works with various LCDs: 2 * 16, 2 * 20, 4 * 20, 4 * 27, 4 * 40 and etc.
  • It has two function keys which can be configured by users.

2 Features

  • Micro USB interface
  • Supports LCD4LINUX, LCD Smartie, LCDProc。
  • Supports various LCD modules
  • 2 x User key
  • PCB dimension(mm): 24 x 42。


3 Basic Device Operation

The LCD unit usually communicates via a parallel interface which needs multiple IO resources. This module uses the AX2210 MCU which converts signals to commands and transmit to the LCD.

4 Applications

4.1 Connect to NanoPi M1

Refer to the following connection diagram to connect the module to the NanoPi M1:

4.2 Connect to NanoPi M2 / NanoPi 2 Fire

Refer to the following connection diagram to connect the module to the NanoPi M2/ NanoPi 2 Fire:

4.3 Connect to NanoPC-T2

Refer to the following connection diagram to connect the module to the NanoPC-T2:

5 Applications

Note: after the module is powered on the LCD will display "LCD2USB V1.09". If it doesn't show that you may check the module's reverse side and adjust the brightness by adjusting the potentiometer.

5.1 Application of lcd4linux under Ubuntu

(1) Install lcd4linux

$ sudo apt-get install lcd4linux

(2) Connect Module at usbdev3.2

$ ls /dev/usb*

(3) Update the configuration file under /etc by running the following commands:

$ cd /etc
$ sudo vi lcd4linux.conf

Type the following lines and save

Display LCD2USB {
    Driver     'LCD2USB'          #Model: LCD2USB
    Size       '16x2'             #LCD dimension: 1602
    Port       '/dev/usbdev3.2'   #Port: /dev/usbdev3.2
Widget IPaddress {
    class  'Text'                      #Type: Text
    expression netinfo::ipaddr('eth0') #eth0's ip
    prefix 'IP:'                       #display "IP:"
    width 16 			       #display width: 16
    align  'C'                         #display: central
    update 1000                        
Widget Time { 
    class 'Text' 
    expression strftime('%a %H:%M:%S',time()) 
    width 16 
    align 'C' 
    update 1000 
Layout Default {
    Row1 {
        Col1 'IPaddress'               #Display Widget IPaddress in the first row and first column 
    Row2 {
        Col1 'Time'	              #Display Widget Time in the second row and first column 
Display 'LCD2USB'
Layout  'Default'

For more details refer to:

(4)Modify the access control of lcd4linux.conf

$ sudo chmod 600 lcd4linux.conf
$ chown root.root lcd4linux.conf

(5) Run lcd4linux

$ lcd4linux

Here is what you should expect to observe on the LCD:

LCD2USBdisplay-01 LCD2USBdisplay-2004

5.2 Application of LCDSmartie under Windows

1. Connect the module to a host PC's USB and install lcd2usbdriver. The LCD2USB driver can be downloaded at .

2. Run LCDSmartie which can be downloaded at

3. This is the GUI:


4. Click on Setup to make your configurations


Here is what you expect to observe on the LCD:

LCD2USBdisplay-04 LCD2USBdisplay-05

6 Resources
