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1 Enable CVBS Output in H3 Linux-3.4 BSP

FriendlyElec's image for H3 Linux-3.4 works with the NanoPi M1 Plus / NanoPi M1 / NanoPi Duo2 and it supports CVBS output. This image supports either HDMI or CVBS output. For the NanoPi M1 Plus/M1 by default HDMI is enabled and CVBS is disabled. For the NanoPi Duo2 by default CVBS is enabled and HDMI is disabled.

Refer to the following steps to manually enable CVBS for The NanoPi M1 Plus / M1.

1.1 Reference

$ git clone lichee --depth 1
$ ls lichee/doc/H3 sys_config.fex使用配置说明V1.1.pdf。

1.2 Edit sys_config

Let's take the NanoPi M1 Plus as an example to show how to edit the sys_config file. This applies to the NanoPi M1 too.
The sys_config file is in the directory shown as follows:

$ ls lichee/tools/pack/chips/sun8iw7p1/configs/nanopi-h3/board/sys_config_nanopi-m1-plus.fex

Disable HDMI and enable CVBS:

disp_init_enable = 1
disp_mode = 1
screen0_output_type = 3
screen0_output_mode = 5
screen1_output_type = 2
screen1_output_mode = 14
fb0_format = 0
fb0_width = 0
fb0_height = 0
fb1_format = 0
fb1_width = 0
fb1_height = 0
hdmi_used = 0
hdmi_power = "vcc-hdmi-18"
tv_used = 1
tv_dac_used = 1
tv_dac_src0 = 0

1.3 Compile and Update

Compile lichee:

$ cd lichee/fa_tools
$ ./ -b nanopi-m1-plus -p linux -t all

Update the image in an SD card with an existing image:

$ cd lichee/fa_tools
$ ./ -d /dev/sdX -p linux -t u-boot

Note: you need to change "/dev/sdX" to the actual device name recognized in your system.