How to make your own SD-bootable ROM

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1 Make Linux Image Files for 4418/6818

The key point is to make the boot section in the SD card to a boot.img and the rootfs section in the SD card to a rootfs.img and replace the corresponding files in an eflasher. Run the following commands on a PC host:
1) Download;
2) Copy all the files in your SD card's boot section to "debian_nanopi2/boot" and all the files in your SD card's rootfs section to "debian_nanopi2/rootfs";
You can make changes in these two directories according to your requirements.
We suggest you remove the "etc/fs.resized" file under the rootfs directory to allow system's automatic file system extension.
3) Make an img file with the make_ext4fs utility under "debian_nanopi2":
./tools/make_ext4fs -s -l 67108864 -a root -L boot boot.img boot
./tools/make_ext4fs -s -l 2097152000 -a root -L rootfs rootfs.img rootfs
4) Copy the newly generated boot.img and root.img to the "core-gte" directory of an eflasher's FAT section and this eflasher will be ready for use

2 Make Linux Image Files for H3/H5

The key point is to make the boot section in the SD card to a boot.img and the rootfs section in the SD card to a rootfs.img and replace the corresponding files in an eflasher. Run the following commands on a PC host:
1) Download utilities: EFlasher-build-tools;
2) Make an ext4 formatted img file with the rootfs section:

$ ./make_ext4fs -s -l 2097152000 -a root -L /SD/rootfs rootfs.img rootfs

-l specifies the size of an img file and the unit is Byte, 2097152000 Byte=2000MB. The specified size must be bigger than the actual size of a source directory.
3) 将待烧写 boot 分区目录制作为 fat 格式的 img 文件:

$ ./ boot.img /SD/boot 40

40 表示boot.img的大小为40M。
4) 用新生成的boot.img和root.img替换eflasher-ROM的FAT分区对应系统目录下的同名文件,然后参考前面的步骤进行烧写即可;

3 用自制系统制作可启动的SD卡或者SD卡映象

在产品量产阶段,通常需要为自已的定制过的产品制作专用的系统映象,这里的系统映象是指 Android编译生成的 boot.img、system.img,或者Ubuntu的根文件系统 rootfs.img 等等。
下面以制作S5P4418 Android 启动卡为例,命令如下:

git clone
cd sd-fuse_nanopi2
tar xvzf android-lollipop-images.tgz

现在,请将自已编译生成的 Android映象替换掉Android目录下的同名文件,然后用以下命令制作一张可以启动的SD卡:

sudo ./ /dev/sde android



sudo ./ android