BakeBit - Sound Sensor
From FriendlyELEC WiKi
1 Introduction
- The BakeBit - Sound Sensor is a sound detection module. The module contains an electret condenser microphone. Sound waves impinging on the diaphragm cause the capacitance between it and the back plate to change synchronously, this in turn induces an AC voltage on the back plate, which is amplified with LM358 as output.
- Its default output is high. When it detects a sound wave it will output low. When no sounds are detected it will output high.
2 特性
- 使用标准的2.0mm 4 Pin BakeBit接口
- 引脚说明:
名称 | 描述 |
GND | 地 |
5V | 电源5V |
NC | 空 |
SIG | 信号 |
3 示例程序:Sound Sensor
这个示例用Sound Sensor实现一个声控开关,当检测到环境声音达到指定的分贝时,点亮LED。
3.1 硬件连接
简单的将 Sound Sensor 模块插入 A0 接口,将 LED 插入 D5 接口,如下面这样:
3.2 示例源代码
import time import bakebit # Connect the BakeBit Sound Sensor to analog port A0 # SIG,NC,VCC,GND sound_sensor = 0 # Connect the BakeBit LED to digital port D5 # SIG,NC,VCC,GND led = 5 bakebit.pinMode(sound_sensor,"INPUT") bakebit.pinMode(led,"OUTPUT") # The threshold to turn the led on 400.00 * 5 / 1024 = 1.95v threshold_value = 400 while True: try: # Read the sound level sensor_value = bakebit.analogRead(sound_sensor) # If loud, illuminate LED, otherwise dim if sensor_value > threshold_value: bakebit.digitalWrite(led,1) else: bakebit.digitalWrite(led,0) print("sensor_value = %d" %sensor_value) time.sleep(.2) except IOError: print ("Error")
3.3 运行示例
要运行示例程序,可以在开发板上进入 BakeBit/Software/Python目录,运行
cd ~/BakeBit/Software/Python sudo python
3.4 运行结果
4 相关资料
- [Schematic](BakeBit - Sound Sensor.pdf)
- [BakeBit Github项目](
- [BakeBit Starter Kit手册](