1 Develop Qt Application
The Qt 5.10.0 FriendlyELEC ported for RK3399 supports the following plug-ins:KMS, EGLFS and XCB. All these three plug-ins support OpenGL ES and GPU hardware acceleration but in different ways:
- KMS - it calls Linux kernel's DRM interface to display
- EGLFS - it calls OpenGL ES interface to display
- XCB - it runs on X11 server and is integrated in X11 windows system
Three plug-ins support different Qt features and here is a table:
Plug-in OpenGL ES QtWebEngine QtMultimedia Video Playing with Hardware Decoding Different Display KMS Yes No Yes No Yes EGLFS Yes No Yes No No XCB Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
We recommend to use KMS or XCB.
FriendlyCore has four scripts for setting Qt environmental variables for users and here is a table:
Script Comment /usr/bin/setqt5env-kms set kms' environmental variables /usr/bin/setqt5env-eglfs set eglfs' environmental variables /usr/bin/setqt5env-xcb set xcb's environmental variables /usr/bin/setqt5env-nogui set environmental variables for a system without a Qt GUI
For instance, if you want to use KMS to display you can run the following commands:
. setqt5env-kms
(Note:there is a space between '.' and 's')
1.1 Setup Qt Development Envronment
FriendlyELEC developed two methods for RK3399 to cross-compile a Qt program:
- 1:Use Docker. For more details you can refer to github :http://github.com/friendlyarm/friendlyelec-ubuntu18-docker
- 2:Setup a local cross-compiler. You need to run a Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit OS and you can refer to :How to Build and Install Qt Application for FriendlyELEC Boards/zh
1.2 Qt示例演示
- Qt QML示例:CinematicExperience
CinematicExperience是一个用Qt QML实现的影片选择界面。
该例子使用了Qt QML中的界面动态转换、粒子模拟和着色器特效,所以这个示例能体现RK3399的硬件性能与软件优化,在RK3399平台上非常流畅。
cd /opt/Qt5_CinematicExperience ./run.sh
- QQt WebEngine示例:网页浏览器
Qt WebEngine使用了Chromium作为渲染引挚,对HTML5支持完美。
示例展示的网页浏览器是 Qt5 自带的Demo,运行命令如下:
cd /opt/qt5-brower ./run.sh
注:Qt WebEngine在FriendlyCore平台上需要使用Xcb插件来运行。
- Qt 双屏异显示例
这是一个比较简单的DEMO,演示了在同时连接HDMI和eDP LCD屏的情况下,用Qt实现两个屏幕显示不同的内容, 用以下命令启动:
cd /opt/qt5-multi-screen-demo ./run.sh
- Qt Multimedia: 硬解播放器qt5-player
qt5-player播放器已经适配Rockchip的gstreamer插件,支持4K视频的硬解播放,由于Rockchip提供的插件只支持输出图像到X11窗口,因此 Qt 播放器程序需要使用 XCB 的显示插件来运行。
cd /opt/qt5-player ./run.sh
- Qt WebGL示例: nmapper
Qt WebGL允许你在其他设备的网页游览器查看并远程操作运行在开发板上的Qt程序,这个特性使得实现远程控制变得简单。
cd /opt/qt5-nmapper ./run-with-webgl.sh
- Qt VNC示例: 智能家居控制界面
Qt VNC允许你将一个应用程序以VNC Server的形式运行,在其他设备上可以使用VNC Client来连接和控制,用QtWidgets或者QML编写的应用都是支持的。
cd /opt/qt5-smarthome ./run-with-vnc.sh
然后在电脑或者手机上安装并打开VNC viewer软件,输入开发板的IP地址加端口号5900,例如开发板的地址是192.168.1.100,就输入192.168.1.100:5900,连接后应该就能看到界面了,如下图所示: