Matrix - IR Receiver
1 Introduction
- Matrix-IR Receiver是38KHz红外接收模块,主要器件是一个红外接收头,可接收标准38KHz调制的遥控器信号,并放大和滤波输出,通过MCU编程,即可实现对遥控器信号的解码操作。
- 接收范围:12-13米
2 Features
- GPIO control, 3.3/5V
- Small
- 2.54mm spacing pin header
- PCB Dimension(mm): 8 x 24
- Pin Description:
Pin | Description |
S | GPIO |
V | Supply Voltage 5V |
G | Ground |
3 Basic Device Operation
- 红外接收头内部包括红外监测二极管、放大器、限副器、带通滤波器、积分电路、比较器等。红外监测二极管检测到红外信号,然后把信号送到放大器和限幅器,限幅器把脉冲幅度控制在一定的水平,而不论红外发射器和接收器的距离远近。交流信号进入带通滤波器(带通滤波器可以通过30khz到60khz的负载波),再通过解调电路和积分电路进入比较器,比较器输出高低电平,还原出发射端的信号波形。
- 注意:输出的高低电平和发射端是反相的,这样的目的是为了提高接收的灵敏度。
4 Download Matrix Source Code
All the matrix modules' code samples are open source. They are maintained on GitHub: git://
Each branch in this hub contains the matrix modules' code samples for a board that the matrix modules can work with.
- The matrix-nanopi branch contains the matrix modules' code samples for the NanoPi
- The matrix-nanopi2 branch contains the matrix modules' code samples for the NanoPi 2
- The matrix-tiny4412 branch contains the matrix modules' code samples for the Tiny4412;
- The matrix-raspberrypi branch contains the matrix modules' code samples for the RaspberryPi;
Please follow the steps below to get the source code:
Install the git utility on a PC running Ubuntu14.04
$ sudo apt-get install git
Clone the matrix code from GitHub
$ git clone git://
If this is successful a "matrix" directory will be generated, which will contain all the matrix modules' code samples.
5 Connect to NanoPi 2
5.1 Hardware Connection
Please refer to the following connection diagram to connect the Matrix-IR_Receiver to the NanoPi 2:
Connection Details:
Matrix-IR_Receiver | NanoPi 2 |
S | Pin7 |
V | Pin4 |
G | Pin6 |
5.2 Compile Test Program
Please login the matrix hub and enter the nanopi2 branch
$ cd matrix $ git checkout nanopi2
Compile the Matrix code
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux- clean $ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux- $ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux- install
Note: please make sure to install the cross compiler "arm-linux-gcc-4.9.3" on your PC, which is used to compile files for the NanoPi 2.
Generated library files are under the "install/lib" directory. The test program is under the "install/usr/bin" directory. The modules are under the "modules" directory.
5.3 Run Test Program
Please insert a TF card which is flashed with Debian to a Linux host and mount its boot and rootfs sections.
We assume the rootfs is mounted to /media/rootfs then please run the following commands to copy the module, library and test program to the card
$ cp modules /media/rootfs/ -r $ cp install/lib/* /media/rootfs/lib/ -d $ cp install/usr/bin/* /media/rootfs/usr/bin/
Insert this TF card to your NanoPi 2, power on and run the following commands to load the driver
$ cd /modules $ insmod matrix_ir_recv.ko
If the driver is successfully loaded a device node will be generated under /dev/input/. In our test case the node was event1.
There is an open source utility "input-utils" which can be used to read the event device's data. Here is how it works:
$ apt-get install input-utils $ input-events 1
1 stands for device node "event1"
You can use a regular remote control to send signals to it. Here is what you expect to observe: