From FriendlyELEC WiKi
Android7.0 System Cross Compiler - gcc-linaro-arm-4.6.3.tar.xz, provided by Allwinner, used to compile a U-boot source code
- gcc-linaro-aarch64.tar.xz, provided by Allwinner, used to compile a Linux kernel
U-boot-2014.07 - Based on U-boot-2014.07 provided by Allwinner and it has all the functions Allwinner provides in it
- Supports fastboot。
- Supports flashing Android to eMMC with a bootable TF card.
Linux-3.10 - Based on Linux-3.10 kernel provided by Allwinner. It has all the functions Allwinner provides in it
- Supports booting Android from either TF card or eMMC
- Supports LED control, LEDs can be accessed with /sys/class/leds
- Supports IR remote control
- Supports reading a CPU ID with /sys/class/sunxi_info/sys_info
- Supports USB Host1/2/3。
- Supports Gbps Ethernet
- Supports CPU's internal Audio Codec
- Supports Micro USB device which works under fastboot and ADB
- 支持WiFi模块RTL8189。
- 支持HDMI音视频输出。
- 支持DVP摄像头(CAM500B)。
- 支持USB摄像头(CAM200B)。
- 支持视频硬编码和硬解码。
- 支持Mali 450 GPU加速。
File System - 基于全志原厂提供的Android7.0,保持了原厂提供的所有功能特性。
- 支持HDMI音频和3.5mm耳机孔同时输出。
- 支持调整HDMI分辨率和HDMI画面大小。
- 支持设置以太网静态IP地址。
- 内置Kodi应用。
- 内置Miracast应用。