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1 Read CHIP ID

As for Allwinner H2+/H3/H5/ SoCs each of these CPUs has an internal 16-btye CHIP ID which can be read by running the following commands in the Linux-4.14 kernel:

$ apt-get install bsdmainutils
$ hexdump /sys/bus/nvmem/devices/sunxi-sid0/nvmem 
0000000 8082 0447 0064 04c3 3650 ce0a 1e28 2202
0000010 0002 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000020 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000030 0000 0008 0508 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000040 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

"8082 0447 0064 04c3 3650 ce0a 1e28 2202" is the 16-byte CHIP ID.

2 Boot System from SSD

A NanoPi-Duo can be booted from the SSD on a Mini Shield for NanoPi Duo. Booting OS from an SSD has the following benefits:
1) faster read/write;
2) much longer life time than a TF card;
3) more reliable than booting from a TF card;

You can install an OS to SSD by using the npi-config utility. Here are the steps to follow:

sudo npi-config

Enter the "Boot Options" menu, go to "Boot device" and you will see two options:
1) D1 Hard drive
2) D2 TF card
Select "D1 Hard drive" and proceed with its prompts.
Select "D2 TF card" to boot OS from a TF card.

If your npi-config doesn't have a "Boot device" menu it might be that your npi-config is out of date and you can update it by selecting "Update" in the menu.

3 How to install and use docker

3.1 How to Install Docker

Run the following commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker.io

3.2 Test Docker installation

Test that your installation works by running the simple docker image:

git clone https://github.com/friendlyarm/debian-jessie-arm-docker
cd debian-jessie-arm-docker

4 Using 4G Module EC20 on FriendlyCore

4.1 Step1:Compile the quectel-CM command line tool on the development board

Compile and install quectel-CM into the /usr/bin/ directory by entering the following command:

git clone https://github.com/friendlyarm/quectel-cm.git
cd quectel-cm/
cp quectel-CM /usr/bin/

4.2 Step2:Add udhcpc script

The quectel-CM tool will call the udhcpc script. we need to create a udhcpc script for it. Please create a new file with the editor you are familiar with. The file name is: /usr/share/udhcpc/default.script, the content is as follows:

# udhcpc script edited by Tim Riker <Tim@Rikers.org>
[ -z "$1" ] && echo "Error: should be called from udhcpc" && exit 1
[ -n "$broadcast" ] && BROADCAST="broadcast $broadcast"
[ -n "$subnet" ] && NETMASK="netmask $subnet"
case "$1" in
    /sbin/ifconfig $interface
    /sbin/ifconfig $interface $ip $BROADCAST $NETMASK
    if [ -n "$router" ] ; then
      echo "deleting routers"
      while route del default gw dev $interface ; do
      for i in $router ; do
        route add default gw $i dev $interface
    echo -n > $RESOLV_CONF
    [ -n "$domain" ] && echo search $domain >> $RESOLV_CONF
    for i in $dns ; do
      echo adding dns $i
      echo nameserver $i >> $RESOLV_CONF
exit 0

Assign executable permissions with the following command:

chmod 755 /usr/share/udhcpc/default.script

4.3 Step3:Start 4G dialing

Start the dialing by entering the following command:

quectel-CM &

If the dialing is successful, the screen will output information such as the IP address, as shown below:

root@NanoPC-T4:~# quectel-CM &
[1] 5364
root@NanoPC-T4:~# [05-15_08:23:13:719] WCDMA&LTE_QConnectManager_Linux&Android_V1.1.34
[05-15_08:23:13:720] quectel-CM profile[1] = (null)/(null)/(null)/0, pincode = (null)
[05-15_08:23:13:721] Find /sys/bus/usb/devices/3-1 idVendor=2c7c idProduct=0125
[05-15_08:23:13:722] Find /sys/bus/usb/devices/3-1:1.4/net/wwan0
[05-15_08:23:13:722] Find usbnet_adapter = wwan0
[05-15_08:23:13:723] Find /sys/bus/usb/devices/3-1:1.4/usbmisc/cdc-wdm0
[05-15_08:23:13:723] Find qmichannel = /dev/cdc-wdm0
[05-15_08:23:13:739] cdc_wdm_fd = 7
[05-15_08:23:13:819] Get clientWDS = 18
[05-15_08:23:13:851] Get clientDMS = 2
[05-15_08:23:13:884] Get clientNAS = 2
[05-15_08:23:13:915] Get clientUIM = 1
[05-15_08:23:13:947] Get clientWDA = 1
[05-15_08:23:13:979] requestBaseBandVersion EC20CEFHLGR06A01M1G_OCPU_BETA1210
[05-15_08:23:14:043] requestSetEthMode QMUXResult = 0x1, QMUXError = 0x46
[05-15_08:23:14:075] requestGetSIMStatus SIMStatus: SIM_READY
[05-15_08:23:14:107] requestGetProfile[1] cmnet///0
[05-15_08:23:14:139] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 460, MNC: 0, PS: Attached, DataCap: LTE
[05-15_08:23:14:171] requestQueryDataCall IPv4ConnectionStatus: DISCONNECTED
[05-15_08:23:14:235] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 460, MNC: 0, PS: Attached, DataCap: LTE
[05-15_08:23:14:938] requestSetupDataCall WdsConnectionIPv4Handle: 0xe16e4540
[05-15_08:23:15:002] requestQueryDataCall IPv4ConnectionStatus: CONNECTED
[05-15_08:23:15:036] ifconfig wwan0 up
[05-15_08:23:15:052] busybox udhcpc -f -n -q -t 5 -i wwan0
[05-15_08:23:15:062] udhcpc (v1.23.2) started
[05-15_08:23:15:077] Sending discover...
[05-15_08:23:15:093] Sending select for
[05-15_08:23:15:105] Lease of obtained, lease time 7200
[05-15_08:23:15:118] deleting routers
SIOCDELRT: No such process
[05-15_08:23:15:132] adding dns
[05-15_08:23:15:132] adding dns

4.4 Test 4G connection

Ping a domain name to see if DNS resolution is already working:

root@NanoPC-T4:~# ping www.baidu.com
PING www.a.shifen.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=56 time=74.3 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=56 time=25.1 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=56 time=30.8 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=56 time=29.1 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=5 ttl=56 time=29.2 ms

4.5 Test the speed of 4G

wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sivel/speedtest-cli/master/speedtest.py | python

The test results obtained are as follows:

Retrieving speedtest.net configuration...
Testing from China Mobile Guangdong (
Retrieving speedtest.net server list...
Selecting best server based on ping...
Hosted by ChinaTelecom-GZ (Guangzhou) [2.51 km]: 62.726 ms
Testing download speed................................................................................
Download: 32.93 Mbit/s
Testing upload speed................................................................................................
Upload: 5.58 Mbit/s