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[[File:BakeBit - Ultrasonic.jpg|thumb|Ultrasonic Ranger]]
[[File:BakeBit - Ultrasonic.jpg|thumb|Ultrasonic Ranger]]
*BakeBit - Ultrasonic Ranger是超声波模块,模块使用了一个人超声波发射器和一个接收器,经发射器发射出波长约6mm,频率为40KHZ的超声波信号,在传输的过程中,超声波碰到障碍物会反射形成反射回波,接收器接收到反射回波,通过压电效应的换能器产生mV级的微弱电压信号。
* The BakeBit - Ultrasonic Ranger is a ultrasonic module.The module's sensor emits a sound wave whose wave length is around 6mm and frequency is 40K Hz, which bounces off a reflective surface and returns to the sensor. Then, using the amount of time it takes for the wave to return to the sensor, the distance to the object can be computed.The receiver converts ultrasound waves to electrical signals in mV.
* The master sends a signal to the module starting to emit a sound wave. After the module receives the returned signal it will will generate a high level indicating the elapsed time and the distance will be calculated by distance = (elapsed time * speed of sound)/2.

Revision as of 16:27, 14 December 2016


1 Introduction

Ultrasonic Ranger
  • The BakeBit - Ultrasonic Ranger is a ultrasonic module.The module's sensor emits a sound wave whose wave length is around 6mm and frequency is 40K Hz, which bounces off a reflective surface and returns to the sensor. Then, using the amount of time it takes for the wave to return to the sensor, the distance to the object can be computed.The receiver converts ultrasound waves to electrical signals in mV.
  • The master sends a signal to the module starting to emit a sound wave. After the module receives the returned signal it will will generate a high level indicating the elapsed time and the distance will be calculated by distance = (elapsed time * speed of sound)/2.

2 特性

  • 使用标准的2.0mm 4 Pin BakeBit接口
  • 测试距离:5cm-300cm
  • 测试精度:1cm
  • PCB尺寸(mm):24x42

BakeBit - Ultrasonic_Top BakeBit - Ultrasonic_Bottom

  • 引脚说明:
名称 描述
5V 电源5V
SIG 信号

3 示例程序:Ultrasonic Sensor with LED


3.1 硬件连接

简单的将 LED 模块插入 D3接口,将 距离传感器 插入 D4 接口,如下面这样:

Ultrasonic Sensor with LED-1.jpg Ultrasonic Sensor with LED-2.jpg

3.2 示例源代码

import bakebit
import time
# Connect the BakeBit Ultrasonic Ranger to digital port D4
ultrasonic_ranger = 4
# Connect the BakeBit LED to digital port D3
led = 3                                                                      
light = 0
while True:
        # Read distance value from Ultrasonic
	distance = bakebit.ultrasonicRead(ultrasonic_ranger)
	if distance > 0:
		if distance<10: 
			if light == 0:
				light = 1
			if light == 1:
				light = 0
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    except TypeError:
        print ("Error")
    except IOError:
        print ("Error")


3.3 运行示例

要运行示例程序,可以在开发板上进入 BakeBit/Software/Python目录,运行bakebit_prj_Ultrasonic_Sensor_with_LED.py:

cd ~/BakeBit/Software/Python
sudo python bakebit_prj_Ultrasonic_Sensor_with_LED.py

3.4 运行结果


4 相关资料