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(updated by API)
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  | NanoPi-R2S
  | NanoPi-R2S
  | NanoPi-R2C-Plus
  | NanoPi-R2C-Plus
| NanoPi-R2S-Plus
  | NanoPi-R2C =
  | NanoPi-R2C =
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<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">

Revision as of 10:53, 4 December 2023

1 Work with Debian Core

1.1 Account & Password

Regular Account:
    User Name: pi
    Password: pi

    the root user account is disabled by default, you may configure the root password through the 'sudo passwd root' command.

1.2 View IP address

Since the Debian Bullseye hostname is the hardware model by default, you can use the ping command to get the IP address:ping {{{1}}}
Debian Bullseye uses network-manager to manage the network, and the network ports are configured to automatically obtain IP addresses by DHCP (including devices with multiple network ports).

1.3 Connect to Debian via SSH

Run the following commandssh pi@{{{1}}}
The default password is: pi

1.4 Update Software Packages

$ sudo apt-get update

1.5 Change time zone

1.5.1 Check the current time zone


1.5.2 List all available time zones

timedatectl list-timezones

1.5.3 Set the time zone (e.g. Shanghai)

sudo timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Shanghai

Replace the following two files in the kernel source code directory and recompile the kernel:
Or use the script to operate, as shown below:

  • Download scripts:
git clone https://github.com/friendlyarm/sd-fuse_rk3399.git -b kernel-4.19 --single-branch
cd sd-fuse_rk3399
  • Compile kernel and repackage firmware
convert files/logo.jpg -type truecolor /tmp/logo.bmp
convert files/logo.jpg -type truecolor /tmp/logo_kernel.bmp
sudo LOGO=/tmp/logo.bmp KERNEL_LOGO=/tmp/logo_kernel.bmp ./build-kernel.sh debian-bullseye-core-arm64
sudo ./mk-sd-image.sh debian-bullseye-core-arm64
sudo ./mk-emmc-image.sh debian-bullseye-core-arm64

1.7 Soft Factory Reset

Execute the following command in a terminal:

sudo firstboot && sudo reboot

1.8 Install Docker on Debian

Please refer to: How to Install Docker on Debian