Matrix - Potentiometer

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Revision as of 11:31, 6 January 2016 by Yftan (Talk | contribs) (与NanoPi 2连接使用)

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1 Introduction

  • The Matrix-Potentiometer module is a Potentiometer module. It can be used in audio control, motion control, transducers, computation and etc.
  • 3 Pin 2.54mm spacing pin header, V is supply voltage, G is ground and S is output analog signal. Users can convert output analog signals to digital signals via ADC conversion.
  • Output Voltage: 0 ~ Vcc

2 Features

  • GPIO
  • Small
  • 2.54mm spacing pin header
  • PCB Dimension(mm): 8 x 24


  • Pin Description:
Pin Description
S Analog GPIO
V Supply Voltage 5V
G Ground

3 Basic Device Operation

  • A potentiometer is a three-terminal resistor with a sliding or rotating contact that forms an adjustable voltage divider.If only two terminals are used, one end and the wiper, it acts as a variable resistor or rheostat.
  • This module mainly contains a potentiometer where the resistance changes with changes between the contact and one end terminal.

4 Download Matrix Source Code

All the matrix modules' code samples are open source. They are maintained on GitHub :
Each branch in this hub contains the matrix modules' code samples for a board that the matrix modules can work with.

  • The matrix-nanopi branch contains the matrix modules' code samples for the NanoPi;
  • The matrix-nanopi2 branch contains the matrix modules' code samples for the NanoPi 2;
  • The matrix-tiny4412 branch contains the matrix modules' code samples for the Tiny4412;
  • The matrix-raspberrypi branch contains the matrix modules' code samples for the RaspberryPi

Please follow the steps below to get the source code:
Install the git utility on a PC running Ubuntu14.04

$ sudo apt-get install git

Clone the matrix code from GitHub

$ git clone

If this is successful a "matrix" directory will be generated, which will contain all the matrix modules' code samples.

5 Connect to NanoPi 2

5.1 Hardware Connection

Please refer to the following connection diagram to connect the Matrix-Potentiometer to the NanoPi 2:

Connection Details:

Matrix-Analog_to_Digital_Converter NanoPi 2
SDA Pin3
SCL Pin5
5V Pin4
GND Pin6
GND NanoPi 2 Pin9
5V NanoPi 2 Pin2
S Matrix-Analog_to_Digital_Converter A0

This module's output signals are analog signals. You can use our Matrix-Analog_to_Digital_Converter to convert them to digital signals.
Please connect the Matrix-Analog_to_Digital_Converter to the NanoPi 2 and then connect Pin S of the Matrix-Photoresistor's pin header to Matrix-Analog_to_Digital_Converter's A0.
For more details about the Matrix-Analog_to_Digital_Converter module please refer to wiki: Matrix_-_Analog_to_Digital_Converter.

5.2 编译测试程序


$ cd matrix
$ git checkout nanopi2


$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux- clean
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux- install

注意:请确保你的主机PC当前使用的交叉编译器为NanoPi 2配套的arm-linux-gcc-4.9.3。
硬件驱动模块位于modules目录下,对应的驱动源码都包含在在NanoPi 2的Linux内核仓库里:

5.3 运行测试程序

假设rootfs分区的挂载路径为/media/rootfs,执行以下命令将Matrix的硬件驱动、库文件和测试程序拷贝到NanoPi 2的文件系统上。

$ cp modules /media/rootfs/ -r
$ cp install/lib/* /media/rootfs/lib/ -d
$ cp install/usr/bin/* /media/rootfs/usr/bin/

将SD卡重新插入NanoPi 2,上电启动,在Debian的shell终端中执行以下命令加载硬件驱动。

$ cd /modules
$ insmod pcf8591.ko


$ matrix-adc


5.4 代码展示

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
    int i = 0;
    int value = 0;
    int channel = 0;
    if (argc == 2) {
        channel = atoi(argv[1]);
    for (i=0; i<ADC_READ_TIMES; i++) {
        if (pcf8591Read(channel, &value) != -1) {
            printf("channel%d value=%d\n", channel, value);
        } else {
            printf("Fail to get channel%d value\n", channel);        
    return 0;