Matrix - 2'8 SPI Key TFT

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Revision as of 15:25, 16 June 2016 by Yftan (Talk | contribs) (Compile Test Program)

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1 Introduction

Matrix-2'8 SPI Key TFT.png
  • Matrix-2'8_SPI_Key_TFT模块是一款2.8英寸的TFT 触摸LCD,模块采用ST7789S驱动IC和XPT2046电阻式触摸IC,屏幕分辨率为320*240,采用SPI控制接口,模块还包含3个独立按键,可根据需要自定义功能。
  • 详细规格如下所示:
LCD尺寸 2.8寸
显示区域 57.6mm*43.2mm
驱动IC ST7789S
分辨率 320*240(RGB)
接口方式 SPI
工作电压 5V
背光电压 5V
触摸屏类型 电阻式,钢化玻璃触摸屏


2 Features

  • PCB dimension(mm):

Matrix-2'8 SPI Key TFT PCB.png

  • Pin Description:
Pin Description Pin Description
1 VDD_3.3V 2 VDD_5V
3 NC 4 VDD_5V
5 NC 6 GND
9 GND 10 NC
11 LED_EN 12 NC
13 KEY_1 14 GND
15 KEY_2 16 KEY_3
17 VDD_3.3V 18 T_IRQ
25 GND 26 T_CS

3 Applications

3.1 Connect to NanoPi M1

Please refer to the following connection diagram to connect the module to the NanoPi M1:

3.2 Connect to NanoPi 2

Please refer to the following connection diagram to connect the module to the NanoPi 2:

3.3 Connect to NanoPi M2 / NanoPi 2 Fire

Please refer to the following connection diagram to connect the module to the NanoPi M2 / P2:

4 Compile & Run Test Program

Please login the matrix hub and enter the nanopi2 branch

$ cd matrix
$ git checkout nanopi2

Compile the Matrix code

$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux- clean
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux- install

Note: please make sure to install the cross compiler "arm-linux-gcc-4.9.3" on your PC, which is used to compile files for the NanoPi 2.
Generated library files are under the "install/lib" directory. The test program is under the "install/usr/bin" directory.
The modules are under the "modules" directory. The driver's source code is in github:

4.1 Load Driver

Please insert a TF card which is flashed with Debian to a Linux host and mount its boot and rootfs sections.
We assume the rootfs is mounted to /media/rootfs then please run the following commands to copy the driver, library and test program to the card.

$ cp modules /media/rootfs/ -r
$ cp install/lib/* /media/rootfs/lib/ -d
$ cp install/usr/bin/* /media/rootfs/usr/bin/

Insert this TF card to your NanoPi 2, power on and run the following commands to load the driver.

$ cd /modules
$ insmod fbtft_device.ko name=matrix-st7789s gpios=dc:97,reset:60,cs:94
$ insmod matrix_ads7846.ko

"fbtft_device" is the LCD's driver. "matrix_ads7846" is the touch driver. If they are successfully loaded the LCD will be cleared and reset.

4.2 Test LCD Display

Please run the following commands to set the display device to the Matrix-2'8_SPI_Key_TFT:

$ sudo FRAMEBUFFER=/dev/fb-st7789s startx &

"&" schedules the program to run background and you will see the following messages:

Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.2.log"

Here the message shows that the X window's DISPLAY value is 2

4.3 Calibrate Touch

Please run the following commands to calibrate touch:

$ DISPLAY=:2.0 xinput_calibrator

After you click on the four points highlighted on the LCD you will get calibration done and observe the following messages:

Section "InputClass" 
        Identifier      "calibration" 
        MatchProduct    "ADS7846 Touchscreen" 
        Option  "Calibration"   "196 3825 3887 358" 
        Option  "SwapAxes"      "0" 

Save these calibration data to the "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf" file and reboot the system your touch will be ready to go.

5 Connect to NanoPi

5.1 Preparations

Please install a Debian on a NanoPi and an appropriate cross compiler on a PC. Please refer to wiki:NanoPi
Compile a NanoPi kernel. Note: please use the kernel's source code from the nanopi-v4.1.y-matrix branch.

$ git clone
$ cd linux-4.x.y
$ git checkout nanopi-v4.1.y-matrix
$ make nanopi_defconfig
$ touch .scmversion
$ make

5.2 Hardware Connection

Please refer to the following connection diagram to connect the Matrix-2'8 SPI_TFT to the NanoPi
Matrix-2'8 SPI_TFT_nanopi

Connection Details:

Matrix-2'8 SPI_TFT NanoPi

5.3 Load Driver

Power on the NanoPi and run the following command in Debian's terminal to load drivers:

$ modprobe fbtft_device name=matrix-spi_tft gpios=dc:161,reset:162,cs:163
$ modprobe matrix_ads7846

The "fbtft_device" module is the driver for the st7789s chip and the "matrix_ads7846" module is the driver for the xpt2046 chip.

5.4 Install Package

Please run the following commands in Debian's terminal to install "qtembedded" and "matrix-tslib"

$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install qtembedded
$ apt-get install matrix-tslib

The "qtembedded" library is what qt applications rely on and the "matrix-tslib" library is what screen calibration relies on.

5.5 Run Test Program

Start Qt applications

$ . /usr/bin/matrix-setqt4env
$ /usr/local/Trolltech/QtEmbedded-4.8.5-arm/examples/tetrix -qws

The matrix-setqt4env script sets the environmental variables which Qt and tslib rely on. If it is run on a platform for the first time a screen calibration GUI will be launched. Users need to go through a five-point calibration process to calibrate the screen. The tetrix application is a game developed in Qt4.

6 Connect to Tiny4412

7 Connect to RaspberryPi

8 Connect to Arduino

9 Resources

10 Update Log

10.1 Feb-24-2016

  • Added the driver's source code location in Section 5.2