Lubuntu desktop

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1 Introduction


LUbuntu 是一个轻量级的Ubuntu桌面环境,其底层基于LXDE桌面构建,具有如下特点:
    轻巧 - 只需要很少的CPU资源即可执行顺畅,而且当内存容量充足时表现特别出色。
    省能源 - 它比其他常见的系统需要较少的资源运行相同的工作。
    简朴美 - 借由GTK+ 2,它拥有美观、支持国际化的用户界面。
    使用简单 - 提供用户如微软Windows般的应用程序列表。
    可自定义性 - 用户可以轻易自定义LXDE的外观。
    兼容标准 - 兼容于freedesktop.org标准。
用于友善电子S5P4418、S5P6818平台的Lubuntu Desktop已经最佳化了对Mali400的支持,系统中已集成X.org驱动,支持Hardware Cursor、OpenGL图形加速等。

2 Applicable Platforms & Main Features

CPU OpenGL ES Hardware accelerated video decoding Kernel Version
S5P4418 Yes gstreamer 1.0 4.x
S5P6818 Yes gstreamer 1.0 4.x
Allwinner H3 Yes ffmpeg 3.x

3 FriendlyCore User Account

Regular User Account:

   User Name: pi
   Password: pi


   User Name: root
   Password: fa

4 Work with OpenGL ES

Open a command line utility and run the following command:



5 Work with USB Camera

Connect a USB camera e.g. Logitech C270 to a board, open the "Other" menu, start the xawtv application you will be able to review with your camera.

6 Rotate Display under Lubuntu Desktop

Firstly remove the "armsoc" configuration file:

sudo rm -f /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-armsoc.conf

Create a new file "/etc/X11/xorg.conf":

sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Here is the content of a typical xorg.conf file:

Section "Monitor"
    Identifier          "Primary"
    VendorName          "FriendlyARM"
Section "Device"
    Identifier          "Primary"
    Driver              "fbdev"
    Option              "fbdev" "/dev/fb0"
    Option              "Rotate" "CW"

The configuration file sets display to rotate 90 degrees. The rotation angle is defined by "Rotate" which can be set to one of the following values:
CW Rotate 90 degrees
UD Rotate 180 degrees
CCW Rotate 270 degrees
Save and reboot your board or start the lightdm service to make your change effective.

7 Update Log

7.1 Dec-19-2017

  • Released English Version