BakeBit - LED Bar

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1 Introduction

  • The BakeBit - LED-Bar is a multiple-LED module. It has five LEDs and each LED is controlled by a WS2812 chip.
  • These five LEDs are in series connection.

2 Hardware Spec

  • Standard 2.0mm pitch 4-Pin BakeBit Interface
  • Multi-color R, G, B LED
  • True Color

BakeBit - LED Bar

  • Pin Description:
Pin Description
GND Ground
5V 5V Supply Voltage
NC Not Connected
SIG Signal

3 Code Sample(1): LED Bar

By running this code sample users can adjust the LED bar with the rotary angle sensor module.
A BakeBit - Rotary Angle Sensor module is needed in this test case.

3.1 Hardware Connection

Connect the LED Bar module to the NEO-Hub at D3 and the rotary angle sensor module to the NEO-Hub at A0:

LED Bar-1.jpg LED Bar-2.jpg

3.2 Source Code

import time
import bakebit
import random
# Connect the BakeBit LED Bar to digital port D3
ledbar = 3
# Connect the BakeBit Rotary Angle Sensor to analog port A0
potentiometer = 0
# Reference voltage of ADC is 5v
adc_ref = 5
# Vcc of the bakebit interface is normally 5v
bakebit_vcc = 5
# Full value of the rotary angle is 360 degrees, as per it's specs (0 to 360)
full_angle = 360
# LED Bar methods
# bakebit.bakeBitLedBar_Init(pin, chipset, numOfLED)
# bakebit.bakeBitLedBar_Release(pin)
# bakebit.bakeBitLedBar_Show(pin,colorHigh,colorLow)
bakebit.bakeBitLedBar_Init(ledbar, 0, 5)
old_color = 0
while True:
        # Read sensor value from potentiometer
        sensor_value = bakebit.analogRead(potentiometer)
        # Calculate voltage
        voltage = round((float)(sensor_value) * adc_ref / 1023, 2)
        # Calculate rotation in degrees (0 to 360)
        degrees = round((voltage * full_angle) / bakebit_vcc, 2)
        print("sensor_value = %d voltage = %.2f degrees = %.1f" % (sensor_value, voltage, degrees))
        color16bit = 0
        if degrees > 0:
            color16bit = color16bit | bakebit.Green
        if degrees > 72:
            color16bit = color16bit | (bakebit.Green<<3)
        if degrees > 144:
            color16bit = color16bit | (bakebit.Green << 6)
        if degrees > 216:
            color16bit = color16bit | (bakebit.Yellow << 9)
        if degrees > 288:
            color16bit = color16bit | (bakebit.Red << 12)
        if degrees == 360:
            color16bit = 0
            color16bit = color16bit | bakebit.Red
            color16bit = color16bit | (bakebit.Red << 3)
            color16bit = color16bit | (bakebit.Red << 6)
            color16bit = color16bit | (bakebit.Red << 9)
            color16bit = color16bit | (bakebit.Red << 12)
        if color16bit == old_color:
        old_color = color16bit
        lowBits = color16bit & 255
        highBits = (color16bit & (255<<8))>>8
        print("%s %s" % ('{0:08b}'.format(highBits), '{0:08b}'.format(lowBits)))
        bakebit.bakeBitLedBar_Show(ledbar, highBits, lowBits)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    except IOError:
        print ("Error")


3.3 Run Code Sample

Before you run the code sample you need to follow the steps in bakebit tutorial to intall the BakeBit package.
Enter the "BakeBit/Software/Python" directory and run the "" program:

cd ~/BakeBit/Software/Python
sudo python

3.4 Observation

When you rotate the rotary angle sensor module the LEDs on the LED Bar will be turned on or off.

4 示例程序(2):Smart Lighting

该示例利用BakeBit - Light Sensor亮度传感器,聪明地控制灯光(灯用LED Bar来模拟),环境越暗就让灯越亮,环境亮度足够时,就将灯变暗或者熄灭。
该示例是配合BakeBit - Light Sensor来实现的,可参考BakeBit - Light Sensor页面。

5 相关资料